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Natural Cures for a Sore Throat Featured

14 Jan

The winter is a pretty harsh season. Not only does it wreck havoc on you skin but it is also a time when you can get sick. One of the most common ailments is a sore throat. If it is mild enough, you might even be able to naturally treat it yourself. Here are some of our favorite solutions that we hope will help you to heal.


1. Tea: To soothe your throat, we recommend a hot cup of tea with lemon and honey. Stick with a non-caffeinated type (such as an herbal tea) that can relax you as it heals your throat. Another option is to use hot water with lemon as frequently as you need it.

2. Throat Drops: During the day, make sure to have throat drops at your disposal. We love the natural ones without a lot of sugar that work to gently remedy your throat. 

3. Soup: A classic way to treat any cold or sore throat is with soup. We love chicken noodle soup that is packed with rich broth and veggies to provide you with nutrients as it heals.

4. Gargle: Another way to naturally heal your throat is by gargling. Simply fill up a cup with warm water (make sure that it is not pipping hot) along with some salt. Mix it together and pour it in your mouth. Place your head back and gargle as the salt works to reduce bacteria in the mouth.

5. Vitamins: You should be taking your vitamins everyday, but especially when you are sick! Make sure to take your multi and vitamin C for an extra boost to help you along your day.

6. Healthy Food: In addition to soup, increase your intake of vitamin C to help your body to heal. This includes grapefruit, oranges, and lemons - all of which should be in its natural form and not in juice form, which is loaded with sugar!

image via unsplash

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